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Chinese translation for "laboring population"


Related Translations:
prolonged labor:  产程延长滞产
instrumental labor:  频分娩
china labor:  中国劳动
of labor:  劳力波动
labor indemnity:  劳动赔偿
mechanical labor:  体力劳动
missed labor:  死胎不下滞留死胎
labor utilization:  劳动力的使用
dry labor:  干产
labor unrest:  劳动力市场动荡
Example Sentences:
1.In order to make the small - scale farming mingle with macro - market , ease high tension between laboring population and acreage of farming land per capita , lead farmers to participate in intensive faming integration , and resolve the contradiction between micro - household and macro - market , the government should create a law framework of farming land contract , construct a marketing system transacting the ownership of the contracted farming land , and strengthen training rural surplus labors
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